How does SalesGenomix measure up to other methods of evaluating sales talent?

While no sales hiring decision should be made on the basis of a talent assessment alone, there’s good evidence that the SalesGenomix assessment is a superior place to begin.

Based upon a 500,000+ research database, we have achieved a composite criterion-related validity coefficient of .44, well above the guidelines that the U.S. Department of Labor provides for making sound human resource decisions -- and consistently more accurate than other popular candidate evaluation measures.

Note, as context, the validity coefficient that a habitual smoker will come down with lung cancer is .18.

We also compare highly favorably to other evaluation measures in terms of demonstrating negligible adverse impact regardless of a candidate’s race, sex or age.

Our SalesGenomix archival database includes a representative and statistically significant concentration of protected subgroups.

Validity CoefficientValue Interpretation
Above .35Very beneficial
.21-.35Likely to be useful
.11-.20Depends on the circumstances
Below .11Unlikely to be useful

Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (2000)

Selection MeasureValidity
Assessment Centers4.36
General Mental Ability5.31
Situational Judgment Tests7.26
Structured Interviews8.24
Personality Tests9.23
Reference Checks10.23
Integrity Tests11.23
Unstructured Interviews12.18

4 Arthur et al. (2003)
5 Schmidt, Hunter, & Outerbridge (1986)
6 Hunter & Hunter (1984)
7 McDaniel et al. (2001)
8 McDaniel, Whetzel, Schmidt, & Maurer (1994)
9 Morgeson et al. (2007)
10 Hunter & Hunter (1984)
11 Ones, Viswesvaran, & Schmidt (1993)
12 McDaniel, Whetzel, Schmidt, & Maurer (1994)

Our professional staff welcomes inquiries concerning the methodology, validity and impartiality of the SalesGenomix talent assessment compared to other candidate evaluation methods.